Friday, October 06, 2006

Saludos de Buenos Aires

My first three weeks in Argentina have flown by. While I definitely experienced some cutlture shock, I am starting to finally get adjusted to everything. The first week I spent exploring the city, getting lost, trying to understand the heavily accented Spanish the Porteños speak, and meeting my program directors and students and faculty at the school where I am working. The school is a really nice K-12 private bilingual school called Colegio Esquiu, and I am working with the 7th, 5th, and 4th graders on their oral speaking skills. The students are all so sweet and adorable, and ask me tons of questions, the number one being if I ever see movie stars since I live in California. I always feel so bad when I have to tell them there aren't a lot of celebrities hanging out in Shell Beach.
Below are some pics I took my first day in the city while wandering around the downtown area.

This is La Casa Rosada, or Pink House, home to the Argentine executive powers, equivalent to our White House. Cabildo, or City Council. The Catedral Metropolitana. This and the Casa Rosada and Cabildo are all centered around La Plaza de Mayo, which is the heart of Argentine political tradition.

Palacio del Congreso, or Congreso building.

The photos below are in the Barrio of Puerto Madero, the newest and most opulent neighborhood in the city, with a completely different feel than the rest of the city. It is really pretty, running along the docks with lots of good restaurants, but I almost forget that I am in South America, as it feels like most US port towns.